When you check the comparing box, your workstation console ought to be handicapped. You should then choose the debilitate button in the Karabiner programming relating to the command over your workstation console. To follow this technique, download the Karabiner programming into your Mac OS. Strategy 3 – Third gathering programming for example, Karabiner can assist you with handicapping your console. In that capacity, there is just a single method to discover by testing this yourself. You ought to anyway take note of that a few clients have detailed that the Apple content hasn’t been useful in handicapping the Mac PC console while others have said it has the intended effect precisely. Strategy 2 – An elective path to the Ctrl and F1 alternate route is by utilizing an Apple content: This will immediately turn off your Mac PC console but incidentally. Strategy 1 – To kill your Mac workstation console briefly, you can utilize a straightforward, easy route of squeezing the “ Ctrl” and “F1” key simultaneously. We’ll be separating the procedure into three unique strategies you can browse. There isn’t a need to stress the procedure is relatively straightforward. On the off chance that you claim a Mac workstation, you will need to follow this area since incapacitating a Mac PC console is altogether different from impairing a Windows PC console.