Picture-in-Picture: view a participants video in a hovering video on top of your screen.Do Not Disturb Mode: remain focused muting all Meet sounds, and hiding new comments and participant pop-ups.Remove All: remove all participants in a Meet with a single click (see FAQ below for more details).Mute All: mute all participants in a Meet with a single click (see FAQ below for more details).Auto Deny New Entrants: automatically denies all new entrants (see FAQ below for more details).Auto Admit New Entrants: automatically admit all new entrants (see FAQ below for more details).Mirror Videos: mirror all videos in the Meet.Toggle Bottom Bar: toggle the bottom control bar to appear or disappear.Meeting Timer: displays a meeting timer in top menu bar.Quick Emoji Reactions: adds quick emoji shortcuts to the chat window.Find Active Meet Tab: click the extension icon to find the active Meet tab.Speaker Highlight: adds a colored border around speaking participants.Auto-Unmute: stop others from muting your mic.Meet Attendance: collect attendance of participants / students who attended your meeting and export to a CSV.Sort Participant List: adds toggle to sort the participant list by last name.Auto Record: automatically start recording the Meet when you join (requires Google Workspace plan).Participant Video Style: show or hide participant names and speaking icons.Pin Bottom Bar: pins the control bar to the bottom of the screen.Auto Video Off: set video to off on join.Auto Mute: auto mute microphone on join.Auto Captions: automatically enable captions on calls.Set Background Color: set custom background color for your Meet.Quick Start: quickly start a new Google Meet with the click of a button.Open Meet links in desktop app: automatically open Google Calendar Meet links directly in our Google Meet desktop app.Always Play Chimes: always hear chime sounds when participants join and leave, or a when a new chat message is received.Leave Confirmation: asks to confirm when you try to leave a meeting.Return to home screen on leave: automatically returns you to the Meet home screen after leaving a Meet.Quick Leave: quickly leave a hangout by pressing Shift + K.Auto Join with Participants: automatically join the Meet only if participants are present.Auto Join: skip the join screen and get straight to the meeting.Push to Talk: quickly mute and unmute yourself with the press of a key.Join over 300,000 remote workers who are using Meet Enhancement Suite to make their work from home lives easier.